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Getzner controls switches and crossings of the vibrations

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During the exhibition of Innotrans 2016 in Berlin (Germany), Getzner Werkstoff,  a specialist in vibration isolation and shock, had presented its elastic solutions able to reduce loading on switches and crossings and therefore reduce costs lifecycle railways.

"On the railways, the level crossing zones and switches require a lot of maintenance. They significantly influence the line efficiency, because they determine availability. For example, the switches on average causing only one percent of the investment costs, but represent a quarter of the maintenance costs" said Stefan Potocan, Products management Manager at Getzner.

"At Innotrans,  we showed how we can optimize critical areas such as railway crossings and switches, with our products. The high maintenance costs of the lines are a heavy burden on our customers, so we gave the very important place to this topic at the show, "explains Jürgen Rainalter, CEO of Getzner.

Among the solutions that can be put into today, Getzner has particularly emphasized on elastic solution dedicated for switches highly asked and implemented on the site of the tunnel Gotthard. Sylomer and Sylodyn  were developed with the aim of compensating for differences structural stiffness  between the switches and crossings whose superstructure is subject to particular loads. A single lane of slap-on-grade for example is inherently less elasticity than a ballasted superstructure.

Getzner simulates the loads when train went by, using the finite element method (MTCU). Using forecast models, it is possible to define precisely what solutions have to be used and in wich section. Thus, Getzner is also able to offer a made-to-measure system solutions.
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